Category: SEO

  • VidIQ vs. TubeBuddy 2020 | Which is Better & Why? A Full Comparison!


    If you are serious about YouTube SEO, you’re certainly familiar with TubeBuddy and VidIQ. Both tools add special functionality and data to YouTube and make many SEO tasks significantly easier. Both TubeBuddy and VidIQ offer free browser extensions and free account levels, and both tools have various premium levels and features. But which of the…

  • How I Moved 100+ Blog Posts To Another Domain With 301 Redirects

    First step, move everything over. This is pretty simple, just use the WordPress Export and Import available in the Tools section of the dashboard menu. I did a quick run through and unpublished any posts that I didn’t want to appear on the new domain. In my case there were only a few. Next up,…