Author: Corey Potter
Best Ways to Get 100 Subscribers on YouTube
Getting traction on YouTube is HARD. I’m not sure why exactly, but getting people to subscribe is like pulling teeth. This is true even if your content doesn’t suck. For the rest of this post, let’s just assume you are putting out awesome content. When you started, getting to 100 or 1,000 subs seemed easy…
How I Moved 100+ Blog Posts To Another Domain With 301 Redirects
First step, move everything over. This is pretty simple, just use the WordPress Export and Import available in the Tools section of the dashboard menu. I did a quick run through and unpublished any posts that I didn’t want to appear on the new domain. In my case there were only a few. Next up,…
A Clean Slate.
I just deleted 110 blog posts from this website. But don’t worry, it won’t ruin my business. Can’t say it was the first time I’ve started over. This site has been through alot. lol. I’m fortunate enough to have my own name as a domain. I’ve got the Twitter handle and Facebook URL too. Didn’t get there…
3:10 to Yuma Review
So, I figured this is as good a place as any to post movie reviews. I went to see 3:10 to Yuma on opening night (Friday, 9/7). At first, I thought it would be a split crowd bewteen 3:10 and “Shoot ‘em up.” Then I realized that westerns are not appreciated like they used to…