September 2020 Income Report – Month 0: ~$400

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Truth is, I don’t have much to report this month. I’m calling this Month Zero, even though that isn’t 100% true.

See, I’m not completely inexperienced at making money online. In fact, I’ve made multiple 6 figures through affiliate marketing and selling online courses.

However, my projects are quite unorganized and lack a sense of direction and purpose.

I want to start fresh.

Not “start over” or give up what I’m currently doing successfully, but start something on the side that has a bit clearer purpose and direction.

I have a vision for the kind of income I’d like to make, and how I want to make it. I’ve started the ball rolling in that direction, but now it needs a good push.

This post (and re-working of this website) are the first “push.”

I’m starting with a simple goal that is clear, attainable, and easy to understand.

I want to make $5,000 USD per month with affiliate marketing, advertisements, and selling online products.

For the sake of this “challenge,” I won’t be including my income from Fuel Your Photos, an established project where I have a business partner.

Right now, the only real monetization I have outside of Fuel Your Photos is on a single post on this website.

This is a screenshot from my Tubebuddy affiliate dashboard, showing that this month (September) I was paid $356.90 in commissions from my referrals from that post. I was also paid ~$50 from VidIQ, but I’ll get into tracking that more precisely next month.

For Month Zero, let’s just say I made $400.

Only $4,600 to go.

I’ll try to do an income report here as often as possible, and also document what is working, what isn’t working, and how I plan to accomplish my goals.

For now, my plan is to start creating content again.

I want to get my blog and YouTube channel off the ground, and start publishing regularly (probably every week or two).

I also plan to create a brand new course and try a BUNCH of random ideas I’ve been thinking about for a while.

I don’t have a perfect plan yet. But an action taken today is better than a perfect plan for tomorrow. So here I am writing this post, renovating this website, and giving the ball a “push” in the right direction.

Wish me luck!

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